Meet Our Supporters

We received support from so many people in the research, production, and distribution of this film. We are immensely grateful to everyone for their contributions. 


We’d like to say an extra special thank you to our advisor Dr. Zoë Wood for taking a chance on our unconventional idea. Shortly after Culture of Code was conceptualized, Zoë began advising our team, and her contributions were invaluable. During Fall 2019 and Winter 2020, her weekly check-ins, professional guidance, and emotional support helped keep our team accountable and on-track. 

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Dr. Zoë Wood

Dr. Wood is a professor in the Cal Poly Computer Science Department who is passionate about creative computing and computer science education. She co-founded the Computing for the Interactive Arts interdiscplinary minor, and her computer graphics research focuses on geometric modeling.

Dr. Wood is also the founding advisor of Cal Poly’s Women Involved in Software & Hardware club (WISH), which she continues to support to this day. Her other active outreach efforts include promoting computer science at various elementary and high schools in the Santa Barbara area and animating California K-12 computer science standards to help teachers and students understand them.

Read more about her on her website.



As we wrote our screenplay, we solicited feedback from film industry professionals with experience in professional screenwriting, marketing with film, and tech. Their guidance proved priceless in refining our screenplay and securing resources, and we are grateful to them for their expertise.

Michael Bini

Executive Producer

Kontent Partners

Joselito Seldera

Associate Professor

University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts


During Fall 2019, we conducted interviews with womxn in tech (both current college undergraduates and recent graduates) to learn about their experiences in the technology worlds of academia and industry. We also spoke with technical mxn to learn about their experiences and awareness around allyship and tech culture. We consulted with diversity and inclusion leaders to ask advice about how to tell the story of a minority experience and communicate that to a majority audience.

Speaking with people in the tech space enabled us to gather their experiences into a single narrative. Although our screenplay is fictional, it draws heavily from true stories, and we have our interviewees to thank for telling us theirs.

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Eeron Grant


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Daniel Heyde


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Lana Hodzic


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Thomas Kaar


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Danica Liang


KR Liu


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Annika Miller


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Maria Pikusova


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John Potz


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Taylor Redmond


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Dhruv Singal


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Salonee Thanawala


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Deidra Thorpe


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Mavis Tsoi


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Shreya Tumma


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Michelle Wong


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Jennifer Xie



Not Pictured:

Di Hoang

Wesley Khademi

Hannah Kwan (she/her)

Nick Lampe